All School Reunion
Reconnecting and Preserving Memories and History

For Details, Contact Pam Swanner at 903-767-7575 ​
All School ~ All Years Reunion
Winnsboro Red Raiders & Woodchucks
October 26, 2024 @ 11:00 a.m. w/Stew
WISD Old Rock Gym
1938 Newsome St., Winnsboro
This historical rock gym at 1938 Newsome St. in Winnsboro was completed in 1939 as a Works Progress Administration (WPA) project. It is considered one of America's premier examples of WPA depression style-construction. Over the years, the structure was used for basketball, football field house, band hall and auditorium from 1939-1974. In 1989, a restoration project completed the preservation as a historical landmark for future generations. Each year, former alumni students gather the 4th Saturday of October for an all school all classes reunion. The mascot in the early days was the Winnsboro Woodchucks, and was changed sometime in the early 1930’s – to the Red Raiders, to honor and appreciate the legacy of the Caddo Indians who founded the “Crossroads” of the area and settled for the renowned for the luscious piney wood forests and deposits of clay for pottery making at the headwaters of the Indian Creek that still traverses through town. Older Winnsboro High School graduates have fond memories of playing basketball, participating in concerts and attending their graduation exercises in the Old Rock Gym.